女王小说网 > 女王小说 > 中国留学生在美国的SM之旅(106)


我说:「I like ur sexy leg,ur leg is  so slender,it attract me a lot」她用媚眼 看着我并对我说:「it is so unreasonable,ther e are many giuls have sexy leg,why  u just look my way?」
那个样子真是性感,那性感的小嘴撅起来了,她那销魂的样子立刻把我就击 垮了,我一下子就不知道怎么回答她的问题,她开始用媚眼看着我,我然后起身 ,坐在了她的身旁,看着她,并且对她说:「I know almost A merican girls are opening,and Unite d States is country of immigrants,t hey can accept everyone who has abi lity from the whole world,may be I  will be immigrant,if U。S guils can  accept nigger,they can accept me,be cause the chinese is smartest」她笑的点了 点头,然后对我说:「what』s your ability?」 nvwangtv.com
她还用那媚眼看着我,我说:「faith and loyalty」她 用手托着脸颊,侧着头看着我,她没有说话,就是用媚眼看着我,我低着头盯着 她那双腿,我心里痒痒的,然后终于忍不住了,然后伸手企图摸她的腿,结果她 用手挡住了,然后对我笑了笑,并且用那种勾引我的语气对我说:「Looby  ,u won’t do it」而我只好收起了手,只能眼看着她那双性感 的美腿,却不能动,都快馋死我了,我的dick已经完全勃起了,她就得意的 看着我,我失落的说:「If I am white,may be u c an allow me do that~but I am not」她一 听我说这个,扑哧一笑,对我说:「no exactly I amn』t  racist,I know u r graceful boy,and  u treat me so good,every night u co me my bar talk with me make me happ y and give me tips,buy the chocolat e for me,never miss once。i feel pro ud that u be with my friends。i don』 t refuse u,I just want to know how  to accept u,I don』t know what u wan t to let me do for u~u clear? Looby ~」我马上说:「I just want to let u treat  me as same as u treat white」她继续用妩媚的 眼光看着我并且用指尖碰着我的下巴:「it depends on you 。」
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